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 Inherited vs Self-Made Wealth

Theory & Evidence from a Rentier Society (Paris 1872-1937) 

Thomas Piketty, Gilles Postel-Vinay & Jean-Laurent Rosenthal

May 2011 - List of Files   (revised, September 2013)


PPVR2014EEH.pdf = pdf file for the shorter and revised version published in Explorations in economic history

PPVR2011WP.pdf = pdf file for the working paper version of the paper

“Inherited vs Self-Made Wealth - Theory & Evidence from a Rentier Society (Paris 1872-1937)”, Working Paper, PSE, 2011, 62 pages

PPVR2011DataAppendix.pdf = pdf file for the data appendix

“Inherited vs Self-Made Wealth - Theory & Evidence from a Rentier Society (Paris 1872-1937)”, Data Appendix, PSE, 2011, 82 pages                                                                                                                  = zip file containing detailed tables, figures, data files and computer codes in excel and stata formats:

TablesFigures.xls :  excel file with main tables and figures (working paper)

TablesAppendixA.xls : excel file with Appendix A complete tables and figures

TablesAppendixB.xls : excel file with Appendix B complete tables and figures

TablesAppendixC.xls : excel file with Appendix C complete tables and figures : full set of micro files : full set of do files (computer code) : supplementary data files

(the detailed list of files is given in the Data Appendix, p.30)

Presentation slides (February 2011) (ppt format)  (pdf format)